Thoroughness: Our scan provides a comprehensive, one-time overview of your website's health, checking everything from server performance to SSL certificates and potential blacklisting threats.

Preemptive Action: Uncover hidden issues before they escalate. A timely scan can help prevent problems that could impact your website's functionality, security, and reputation.

Free of Charge: Gain valuable insights about your website without any cost. Our free scan offers a no-risk opportunity to better understand and enhance your website's performance and security.

How it works


Enter your Domain

Simply type your website's domain name into our text field.


Start the Scan

Click on "Start Scan" and let our system perform a comprehensive website report.


View Your Website Report

This report provides insights into various aspects of your website, highlighting areas of strength and potential improvement.

Comprehensive Free Website Audit:

The Key to Optimal Performance

In today's digital age, having a well-performing, secure, and user-friendly website is crucial for any business or organization. It is your digital storefront, open to the world 24/7. But how can you ensure your website is up to par?

That's where our Free Website Report comes in.

Our Free Website Report is an extensive website audit that provides valuable insights into your website's performance, security, and overall functionality. We leverage advanced technology to scan your website comprehensively, ensuring each component is working optimally. This isn't just a cursory glance; our system delves deep into the structural and technical aspects of your site, giving you a detailed look at what's happening behind the scenes.

One key advantage of our online website test report is that it allows you to identify potential issues before they escalate into serious problems. Whether it's slow server response times, broken links, security vulnerabilities, or SEO inefficiencies, our free report highlights these areas. This allows you to address them proactively, thereby enhancing your site's performance and user experience.

The process is simple and swift. All you need to do is input your domain, and our system will scan your website. In just a few moments, you'll have a comprehensive test website report at your fingertips. This user-friendly report is easy to understand and offers actionable insights, making it a valuable tool for website owners, irrespective of their technical expertise.

Free website audit includes:

Website Performance Checks

These checks assess the speed, responsiveness, and overall performance of your website.

Security and Compliance Checks

These checks ensure your website is secure, trustworthy, and complies with industry standards.

Tracking and Analytics Checks

These checks ensure the correct implementation of tracking systems for more accurate data collection and analysis.

SEO and Visibility Checks

These checks optimize your website for search engines and enhance its visibility.

Social Media and Sharing Checks

These checks optimize your website for sharing on social media platforms.

Another major benefit of our service is the ease with which you can download the free website report. With just a few clicks, you can have a detailed audit of your website, ready for review or to share with your team. This makes it a convenient and time-saving tool for businesses of all sizes.

Our mission is to set the industry standard for enhancing web security, reliability, and speed. We are democratizing website monitoring, empowering professionals with accessible, cutting-edge tools.

With our commitment to reliability, transparency, and excellence, we constantly innovate to meet and exceed user expectations. We're not just service providers; we're partners in our users' digital success, shaping a better web experience for all.

Mick Stjernelykke, Founder & CTO

In conclusion, our Free Website Report provides a wealth of benefits. It's an essential tool for maintaining a well-performing, secure, and user-friendly website in today's competitive digital landscape. So why wait? Scan your website today, and gain valuable insights to enhance your site's performance, security, and user experience.

We invite you to experience the transformative power of our Free Website Report, and embark on a journey towards enhanced speed, heightened security, comprehensive compliance, improved visibility, and efficient tracking for your website.

Warm regards,
Representing our dedicated development team,

Mick Stjernelykke
Co-Founder & CTO
Thomas Frost
Co-Founder & CTO

Relax, We've Got Your Back,
Via SMS, Email, and App!

Automated and Alert:

Revolutionizing Website Monitoring and
Eliminating Oversights

In the modern digital landscape, many organizations depend on manual efforts to monitor their domain and website presence, leading to inconsistent and ineffective oversight.

Domanium revolutionizes this process, conducting automated and systematic checks on websites, alerting your team instantly when an issue arises.

Avoid the embarrassment of customers discovering errors before you do. Stay one step ahead and rectify issues before they're even noticed. This proactive approach not only saves time but also streamlines customer support, making your digital experience smoother and more reliable.

View plans and pricing
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